Social media platforms have become primary target locations for companies to advertise. TikTok for example, a video sharing based social media platform, has 1 billion monthly active users as of January 2022 (as per). On average, users spend over 850 minutes per month on the app. Just think of how many people you could reach through advertising there.
As a business, stay alert to what’s happening currently online, that way you know exactly how to market there, what they want to see and what they don’t. Don't be afraid to engage and get involved with what's going on. TikTok as an app is an informal, lighthearted environment. Allowing users to express themselves & not take themselves too serious, even businesses. We’re not saying you have to upload videos of you doing the latest dance every week (unless you want to), all we’re saying is there’s no better way of getting to know your customers & finding common ground than connecting with them in a place where everyone is themselves. TikTok isn’t the only popular social media platform in which can connect you to your audience – there’s also Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and a few more niche ones.
A perfect follow up from the last point. Know your customer. What does this mean? This means understanding the people who buy your products/ service. If you don’t already know who they are, we recommend offering a 30 second survey to get to know a bit about them. What are they buying and why are they buying? Understanding your client is key to giving them good service which in turn results into strong customer relationships and new sales through positive word-of-mouth recommendation. Pro tip: if you’re offering services or products to another business, the individual responsible for the decision to buy your product or service is the customer.
You can learn a lot from your customers by talking to them, find out who their previous suppliers were, why did they change? – learn from the mistakes of the previous company, be clear on what not to do.
As we mentioned before with social platforms, it is key that you get to know your audience. For example, if the hashtag #SaveThePlanet is trending on social media and you use recyclable material for your product, announcing that you use recyclable material instantly increases your brand reputation – potentially gaining customers off that alone.
As a business, it’s only natural that there are other businesses offering the same or similar products/services to you, these are your competitors. The reason these are your competitors is because you want customers to buy your product rather than theirs, and they want the opposite.
A good way to stay relevant, is to keep tabs on your competition in your industry, what changes have they made recently to attract more clients? Avoid copying everything they do blindly, try to understand why they’ve done it & analyse how their audience have responded to the changes. It’s important to know that you are drawing inspiration to apply to your business rather than STEALING.
Becoming an adaptable business if one of the hardest things to do, BUT, it is the most important thing to do in order to stay relevant. It can be discouraging after years of running smoothly when the world just decides it no longer has a place for your business. Half of the time it’s not! Your business is simply required to adapt to the ever-changing world we live in.
An example of a business failing to adapt is Blockbuster. For those of you that don’t know, Blockbuster is a former provider of movies and video game rental services. At its peak, Blockbuster employed 84,000 people worldwide and had over 9,000 outlets. Their quantity and variety of titles meant they were head and shoulders above most other rental stores. The rise of Netflix and on-demand streaming meant that Blockbuster’s business model needed to change, but unfortunately, it didn’t. Blockbuster didn’t change with the times by adopting a trend which would ultimately prove to be its downfall. (As per).
As we have covered, regular adaptation is one of the hardest things for your business to do, it may not even be worth the hassle in your opinion, but it's essential for success. Our top tip is to stay vigilant and see changes before they come. If your product requires a resource which is non-renewable, what will happen in 10 years when supplies of the resource are desperately low? Try planning for the future in advance wherever possible and always stay one step ahead.
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